Practicum Instruction

The School of Social Work's official definition of Practicum Instructor is as follows:

  • Practicum instructor responsibilities will be held by any of the following who hold an MSW and a minimum of two years post-masters experience:
    • a member of the faculty, such as the person teaching the practicum lab/seminar or other faculty,
    • retired or current social worker from the community;
    • or a board member of the agency
  • The practicum instructor will collaborate with the student to create the practicum learning plan, provide a minimum of one hour of weekly supervisor, conduct at least one on site practicum visit per term (more if needed) and will review and sign off on the student’s evaluation and timesheet.

 Practicum Instructor qualities should include:

  • The capacity to conceptualize and transmit knowledge
  • The ability to provide opportunities for students to demonstrate the core or advanced competencies
  • Commitment to the values and ethics of the social work profession and have the capacity to operationalize them in practice through practicum instruction
  • Ability to identify appropriate learning opportunities within the agency which can be utilized to enhance the student’s knowledge and practice skills
  • Perform an educational assessment
  • Possess knowledge of and apply adult learning concepts
  • Select appropriate teaching material related to the core competencies
  • Assess student progress in relation to mutually agreed upon educational and learning goals
  • Use the supervisory relationship in a constructive manner
  • Work collaboratively with the School’s liaison
  • Express commitment to professional education through safeguarding the practicum instruction process by preparing supervisory and instructional meetings, through communication with the liaison, and in participating in School of Social Work seminars specific to practicum instruction

Practicum Instructor Benefits

  • While no financial remuneration is involved, practicum instructors are eligible for the following benefits:

    • Ability to earn free Continuing Education Units (CEUs) by attending the 3 hour online orientation and SIFI trainings offered throughout the year which are 1-3 hour trainings
    • A 50% discount on all Continuing Education Programs sponsored by the School of Social Work, as space is available.
    • Ability to be involved in the life of the School and to identify as part of it by attending the School of Social Work Speaker Series and other events. 

Roles and Responsibilities of the Practicum Instructor

  • Provide regular and structured supervisory and instructional meetings with their student.
    • A minimum of at least one hour per week of supervision is required.
  • Model professional behaviors and practices for the student. A practicum instructor reinforces the social work perspective and encourage the student’s professional identification and development.
  • Contact the practicum liaison with questions that arise during the course of the student’s practicum placement.
  • Work with their student to develop the Practicum Learning Plan and outline tasks appropriate to the student’s educational program and level
    • The practicum instructor and student document these activities, which help the student to make progress toward achieving relevant competencies and concomitant behaviors, in the Practicum Learning Plan for the practicum placement.
  • Engage the student in a problem-solving process if issues arise that cannot be addressed in the normal course of supervision.
    • The practicum instructor contacts the practicum liaison if the difficulties cannot be resolved through supervision or problem-solving. 
  • Complete with their student a Practicum Evaluation at the end of each term of practicum placement.
    • The Practicum Evaluation requires the practicum instructor and the student to honestly appraise the student’s learning and professional development over the course of the term in relation to the relevant social work competencies (i.e., Generalist, Direct Practice, or COSA) and concomitant behaviors.
    • The practicum instructor must sign the Practicum Evaluation before the student electronically submits it and their Time Sheet at the end of the term. The student will not receive a grade for practicum education unless a completed and signed Practicum Evaluation is received in time for review by the practicum liaison before its due date.
  • Meet with the student and the practicum liaison at least once each term to discuss the student’s progress, learning opportunities and tasks, and any issues or concerns arising during the practicum placement

Practicum Instructor Training

  • Practicum Faculty are responsible for providing orientation and training to practicum instructors for all campuses (Pitt-Main, Pitt-Johnstown and Pitt-Bradford)
  • New practicum instructors are required to participate in Practicum Instructor Orientation, which is available online.  All practicum instructors are 
    • Three hours online Practicum Instructor Orientations are offered multiple times throughout the Fall, Spring, and Summer terms and offered to Practicum Instructors at all campuses. 
    • The Practicum Instructor/Task Supervisor orientation is a 3 hour online training 6-8 times per year. Practicum Instructor/ ask Supervisor Orientation familiarizes new practicum instructors with their role and responsibilities as educators as well as the expectations of practicum instruction. It describes policies pertinent to the practicum experience and discusses curricular issues that define the student’s expected practicum learning assignments, including the competencies and behaviors to be developed through the practicum experience. In addition, new practicum instructors become acquainted with the MSW curriculum and the distinction between generalist and specialization practicum education.
    • Those who complete the online Practicum Instructor Orientation receive 3 Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
  • New and experienced practicum instructors are encouraged to attend the Seminars in Practicum Instruction (SIFI).
    • The SIFI's are offered online throughout the year and are generally between 1-3 hours and offer.
    • SIFIs focus on more specific strategies for educational supervision  including but not limited to problem-solving, supervision, anti-racist/anti-oppressive practices, etc.
    • Attendees who complete each SIFI session receive CEU's (if appropriate)  for the time allotted for the training 
  • Contact the Director of Practicum Education for further information 

Appointment Requirements and Procedures

  •  The MSW Program assumes responsibility for reinforcing the social work perspective with the practicum student in the rare instance when the agency staff member who would work with the student does not possess a Master’s degree from a CSWE-accredited social work program and two years’ post-Master’s social work practice experience.
  • Practicum instructors can access the MSW Practicum Education Handbook and all necessary documents on the Policies & Handbooks page.
  • To be appointed by the Office of Practicum Education to serve as a practicum instructor, an individual must have:
    • A Master’s degree from a CSWE-accredited social work program
    • A minimum of two years’ post-Master’s social work practice experience
  • Full-time or part-time students enrolled in a BASW or MSW program cannot serve simultaneously as practicum instructors for University of Pittsburgh social work students.
  • Individuals from other educational programs who are completing internships at the agency may not supervise University of Pittsburgh social work students.
  • Practicum Instructor Application
    • Provides information about the individual who will be supervising our School of Social Work interns. 
    • Approved Practicum Instructors will be required to attend a Practicum Instructor Orientation before a student intern begins their practicum placement. 
    • If a practicum instructor changes agency or site and are still interested in providing practicum supervision, they should contact the Practicum Education administrator in order to update this information.
  • The Director of Practicum Education, in consultation with the UPB and UPJ MSW  Regional Program Directors for applicants from agencies in their areas, reviews the application and résumé to ensure that the educational and experience criteria are met.