
Current Projects

A Service User Informed Evaluation of the Implementation and Effectiveness of Community Behavioral Health Centers (CCBHCs) in New York (R01)

Funder:  National Institute of Mental Health
Leadership:  Nev Jones (Pitt) and Josh Breslau (RAND)
Collaborators:  RAND and the Alliance on Rights and Recovery
Description: Mixed methods, participatory research project examining differences between CCBHC models across New York State, with a focus on services designated for individuals with ‘serious mental illness.’  The project involves partnership with the Alliance and will integrate a team of peer researchers hired through the Alliance.

Statewide Evaluation of Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT) in New York 

Funder: New York Office of Mental Health 
Leadership: Nev Jones (Pitt) and Bevin Croft (HSRI)
Collaborators:  Human Services Research Institute (HSRI) 
Description: Mixed methods hybrid implementation-effectiveness evaluation of AOT across New York State.  The project examines variations in the implementation of AOT across counties, and the impacts of AOT at the level of systems, programs, and impacted individuals and their families.

Work, School & Disability Benefit Decisions & Trajectories in Early Psychosis (R01)

Funder: National Institute of Mental Health
Leadership: Nev Jones (Pitt) and Howard Goldman (UMaryland)
Collaborators: University of Maryland & the Connections Learning Healthcare System EPINET Hub
Description: Mixed methods longitudinal study focused on understanding influences on youth/young adult trajectories in the areas of work, school and finances during and following discharge from coordinated specialty care projects for early psychosis. 

A Qualitative Investigation of Work-Related Decision Making Among SSI Recipients 

Funder:  Social Security Administration Retirement & Disability Research Center Grant Program 
Leadership: Nev Jones (Pitt) and Katie Savin (Cal State Sacramento)
Collaborators: Cal State Sacramento, Carolyn Barnes (University of Chicago) and Rebecca Vallas (National Academy of Social Insurance) 
Description: Two-state qualitative investigation of SSI recipient experiences navigating social security income and earnings rules.  

Connections Learning Healthcare System (CLHS)/ EPINET (P01) 

Funder: National Institute of Mental Health 
Leadership:  Center MPIs are Melanie Bennett (Maryland) and Monica Calkins (Penn).  Dr. Bennett and Dr Jones (Pitt) are MPIs on an embedded R34.
Collaborative Network: University of Maryland (Melanie Bennett, contact PI), University of Pennsylvania, Johns Hopkins University, Sheperd Pratt, Pitt Department of Psychiatry 

Description: Two state network of early psychosis sites (N = 23) engaging in learning healthcare system research with a focus on service user (dis)engagement.   The embedded R34 (co-led by Pitt and Maryland) will develop and evaluate the impact of cross-network engagement navigation teams, focused on understanding and addressing underlying reasons for disengagement from services.

Unpacking “Influence” in the Context of Participatory Mental Health Research in the US 

Funder: Patient Centered Outcomes Institute 
Collaborators: Linda Callejas, University of South Florida 
Description: Mixed methods investigation of the experience of key stakeholder groups (researchers with and without lived experience, non-academically based community members) in the context of participatory mental health research projects.  

Ethical AI in Public Sector Mental Health 

Funder: Multiple 
Collaborators:  Hong Shen PhD & Fei Fong PhD, Carnegie Mellon University; Peggy Swarbrick PhD & Victor Luna, CSPNJ
Description: Multiple and ongoing projects with AI-focused collaborators at CMU focused on the co-production, implementation and evaluation of community-informed AI driven technologies in the public sector mental health and disability services and settings.  Currently, an NSF planning grants support work in collaboration with CSPNJ to examine the integration of AI-informed technology across a large, peer-run network of housing, mental health and crisis response/respite services