Current CE Trainings

Our Office of Professional & Continuing Education seeks to offer a variety of highly engaging education courses that reflect the spectrum of evidence-based micro to macro level practice. Our learning opportunities support increased knowledge and skill development in areas that align with social work values, ethics, research and the professions commitment to promoting social change.

Browse our offerings of self-paced and live CE Courses on topics ranging from ethics, racism, compassion fatigue, and more

Upcoming Live Events

Micro Credentials and Digital Badges

The Professional Education Team has been working diligently to create a series of social work CE intensives which are in-depth professional education courses. These are self-paced programs housed on a digital platform and they range between 15-30 CE credit hours. The knowledge you will gain in these programs will allow you to use your required hours of Continuing Education to take a deep dive into specific subject matter and become competent in a new area of practice. Read about the opportunities available now!

Continuing Education Presenter Information

The Office of Continuing Education is seeking experienced professional education instructors in the social work, professional counseling, and marriage and family therapy fields. We strive to be the best educational resource for helping professionals in Pennsylvania and New York states.  This includes working with a diverse group of CE instructors. Read more to learn how you can become one of our presenters.