United Way Donor Profile: Yodit Betru

From October 20 – November 20, Pitt Social Work is running its internal United Way campaign to try to reach our school-wide goal of $12,000 in pledged donations to the United Way. Donors who give to UW through Pitt are not required to support United Way itself – you can select from hundreds of non-profits around the region, and give your entire gift to one or more non-profits of your choosing. The UW giving platform has lots of flexibility. You can decide how much you give and how often, and the pledge is automatically deducted from your payroll. You an also support multiple organizations at different levels of giving. We are profiling a handful of Social Work staff and faculty who supported area organizations through United Way last year to inspire our Pitt SW community to give generously this year and help us meet our goal. You can donate here.

Yodit Betru

Name and Title

Yodit Betru, MSW Program Director & Clinical Assistantt Professor

How long have you been a United Way donor?

Over 10 years

Why do you give to the United Way?

United Way has been a key supporter of social services for years and I appreciate that they can pool my funds for the whole community and I don't have to do the heavy lifiting of doing major research on each agency or social problem

Do you designate your funds to certain areas or agencies? If yes, why?

I desginate funds to agencies that I serve as a board member or an area I am passiionate about- children and women

How would you encourage others to become United Way donors?

One it it is easy to partticipate it in, two it supports causes in  a pooled way so it increases your impact and three, its easy.