2 SSW students selected for the 2015-2016 class of Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (LEND)

Two School of Social Work students have been selected for the 2015-2016 class of Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (LEND) of University of Pittsburgh/Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh Lance Hershberger and Stefanie Miller have been selected as trainees for the LEND 2015-2016 class. The LEND training program is a leadership program funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) of the Health Resources and Services Administration in the Department of Health and Human Services. The purpose of the training is to develop expertise in neurodevelopmental disabilities, leadership education, and clinical competence in an interdisciplinary team. Lance Hershberger and Stefanie Miller will represent the social work profession, joining  other trainees on the LEND project who will represent speech and language pathology, physical therapy, psychology, medicine, education, and audiology. Three school of social work faculty also serve as LEND faculty: Valire Carr Copeland, Associate Dean Academic Affairs, Christine Ley, Adjunct Faculty, and Kim Washington, Field Instructor. For additional information please visit the LEND website.

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Lance Hershberger and Stefanie Miller will represent the social work profession, joining other trainees on the LEND project who will represent speech and language pathology, physical therapy, psychology, medicine, education, and audiology.