Upcoming CRSP speaker focuses on the Impact of Race and Culture on Asian American Teens

Yoonsun Choi, associate professor at the School of Social Service Administration at the University of Chicago, will deliver a free public lecture at noon Nov. 8 titled “Race and Culture in the Family: Their Impact on Youth Outcomes of Asian American Adolescents.” The talk will be held at the University of Pittsburgh’s Center on Race and Social Problems, School of Social Work Conference Center, 20th floor, Cathedral of Learning, 4200 Fifth Ave., Oakland.  Choi’s lecture is part of the Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC Fall 2013 Speaker Series. Registration is not required; lunch will be provided. For more information, visit www.crsp.pitt.edu or call 412-624-7382.  Choi has examined how race, ethnicity, and culture fundamentally shape the development of minority and immigrant youth, a growing population in the United States. According to Choi, how preteens and teens manage family issues, peer pressure, and stereotyping will often determine their mental health and academic outcomes. Choi’s studies have shown that multiracial youths—compared to single race minority youths—can have greater difficulty navigating the challenges related to race and identity. They may also face more alienation. If they feel marginalized at an early age, Choi says, it may lead to cigarette smoking, drug and alcohol use, and violence.  Choi was a recipient of the Research Scientist Development Award from the National Institute of Mental Health, with which she launched a series of projects aimed at identifying the developmental trajectories of Asian youth. Her Korean Families Project looked at racial prejudice and discrimination as well as parent-child cultural conflicts and other issues. Choi earned a master’s degree in social work from the University of Texas at Austin and a PhD in social welfare from the University of Washington-Seattle.  The Center on Race and Social Problems’ annual Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC Fall 2013 Speaker Series provides an opportunity for faculty, staff, students, and members of the community to engage in race-related discussions of mutual interest.

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Yoonsun Choi, associate professor at the School of Social Service Administration at the University of Chicago, will deliver a free public lecture at noon on Nov. 8 titled “Race and Culture in the Family: Their Impact on Youth Outcomes of Asian American Adolescents.”