RFP for the SPRING 2024 Community Projects RFP due today

Students in the COSA (Community, Organization, and Social Action) Specialization in the MSW Program develop and implement projects as part of their central grades in two of our core courses. Since the Fall of 2017, we have engaged community organizations and students in completing over 65 community projects.  

Click this link to access the RFP. 

Proposals will be reviewed by the professors to determine if they meet the requirements outlined in the RFP. Organizations submitting proposals that meet the requirements will be asked to present your project to students at the Community Organizing and Planning Class on Tuesday, January 16th (class is from 6:00-8:50 PM) or the Community Planning and Development Class on January 18th (class is from Noon-2:50 PM). 

Successful projects are feasible so that they can be completed in one semester; they develop and build on skills in community organizing, community development and/or community planning; outline clear and specific roles and tasks for the students and the organization; and maintain ongoing communication (students meet at least biweekly with an designated community organization liaison). Moreover, students do not serve as interns but collaborative partners who will work with your organization on the proposed project.