Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf honors March as Social Workers' month

"Social workers are the foundation of this department and provide life-saving services to Pennsylvania's most vulnerable," Acting Department of Human Services Secretary Ted Dallas said. "It's critical that we recognize the dedication and commitment it takes to do this challenging work."PROCLAMATION SOCIAL WORKERS' MONTH March 2015 WHEREAS, The primary mission of the social work profession is to enhance the well-being of all people and help meet their basic needs, especially the most vulnerable in society; and WHEREAS, social workers are on the front lines in Pennsylvania communities every day; and WHEREAS, social workers continue to work to improve the rights of women, African Americans and other ethnic minorities, and the Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender community; and WHEREAS, social workers use their education, professional training, and commitment to help in situations that others cannot or choose not to help with; and WHEREAS, social workers know from experience that poverty and trauma can create lifelong social and economic disadvantages; and WHEREAS, social workers help people in every stage of life function better in their environments, improve their relationships with others, and solve personal and family problems; and WHEREAS, all children have the right to safe environments and quality education; and WHEREAS, research shows that all people, no matter their circumstance, at some time in their lives, may need the expertise of a skilled social worker; and WHEREAS, social workers celebrate the courage, hope and strength of the human spirit throughout their careers. THEREFORE, In recognition of professional social workers and their commitment to individuals, families, and communities everywhere through legislative advocacy, service delivery, research, and education, I, Tom Wolf, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do hereby proclaim March 2015 as SOCIAL WORKERS' MONTH.  I encourage all citizens in the Commonwealth to recognize and support Pennsylvania's social workers for all of their efforts. GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Governor, at the City of Harrisburg, on this nineteenth day of February in the year of our Lord two thousand and fifteen, and of the Commonwealth the two hundred and thirty-ninth.

TOM WOLF, Governor

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"Social workers are the foundation of this department and provide life-saving services to Pennsylvania's most vulnerable," Acting Department of Human Services Secretary Ted Dallas said. "It's critical that we recognize the dedication and commitment it takes to do this challenging work."