Associate Professor Nev Jones is a co-investigator and embedded project multi-primary-investigator on a $5 million NIMH Center grant (P01) awarded under the NIMH’s Early Psychosis Intervention Network (EPINET) initiative. The Center, based at the University of Maryland and including Johns Hopkins, Penn, and Pitt, focuses on service engagement/disengagement in the context of early psychosis. Dr. Jones will lead the Center’s lived experience integration workstream, co-lead the training and career development unit, and serve as MPI (with Melanie Bennett of the University of Maryland) on the development and implementation of an innovate re-reengagement intervention involving dyadic teams of peer specialists and social workers who will function as navigators and connectors for clients who have disengaged from formal services. As part of the Center, Dr. Jones and members of her team, also facilitate a youth/young adult Lived Experience Collective, representing youth/young adults from across both states.