Beyond Medication: Cognitive Enhancement Therapy for Schizophrenia

Shaun Eack, James and Noel Browne Endowed Chair and Professor of Social Work and professor of psychiatry, is also working to improve health for a specific population.

His research focuses on schizophrenia recovery beyond the use of medication, investigating the effectiveness of cognitive enhancement therapy — which addresses cognitive impairments often associated with schizophrenia that are not effectively treated by medication alone, such as difficulties with attention, memory and social interaction.

By targeting these challenges, cognitive enhancement therapy aims to improve people’s ability to function in daily life, pursue education and employment, and maintain relationships. Eack’s current work has shifted towards implementation science, focusing on putting research findings into practice, ensuring treatment is accessible to those who need it.

“These treatments are only going to be helpful if they get implemented in practice,” he said. Read more.