Alumni Q&A: Jamie Piotrowski

Jamie Piotrowski

Name and year of graduation

Jamie Piotrowski. Graduated 2019


What did you concentrate in at Pitt School of Social Work?

 Community Organizing, with a certificate in Human Services Management. I also attended the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs focusing on Governance and International Public Management.


What is your current position?

Community Project Manager with Uptown Partners of Pittsburgh


How did your education at Pitt Social Work help guide your career?

I started my career as a caseworker in 2014 and knew that I wanted to change the way I made an impact in people’s lives. This led me to enroll with the School of Social Work. Just the fact that the school has a macro social work program focusing on communities and organizing has shaped my career by expanding my knowledge of how our social systems intersect and the roles that social workers can play in the private, non-profit, and the government sector. And the school continues to teach me through continuing education opportunities. 


Are there skills you learned in class that you still use all the time?

I know they really drill the NASW values and code of ethics into students but it has really been the guiding principal in my career decision to work in community development and to run for public office.
It’s not just a guide, but a tool to help social workers advocate for social justice in a smart and strategic way and remind us that we are lifelong learners who should be constantly adapting to change. 


How do you stay connected to the School?

I try to be involved with students in the classroom when I can. I have participated in projects with the community based participatory research courses and have a field intern to help provide a meaningful and hands on learning experience for students.


Why did you join the Alumni Advisory Board?

 I joined the alumni advisory board to help new graduates transition from student life into the professional world and to provide support and guidance to them as they continue to learn and grow throughout their career.


Do you have mentors?


I have met so many amazing people through the school of social work, my job, and my campaign who have all been incredibly supportive. I think it’s great that so many of my mentors are also close friends.

What impact do your mentors have on your development?

So many of my mentors have seen so much more potential in me than I thought I ever had and helped me accomplish so many career milestones after graduation. I enrolled in the New Leaders Council cohort, ran for public office – and won(!) and have continued to work in community development helping bring change to Pittsburgh.
But I think the most important impact my mentors have provided to me is that they challenge me and hold me accountable, which is not always an easy conversation, and I am grateful that they keep me grounded.


Any advice for current students?

Always ask for what you want because the worst thing a person can say is “No”.